I'm not one that relies on the government for anything. If you think the government owes you something, then you will be very disappointed - hence my ramble on pensions. The Canada Pension Plan has been a shamble for many years. It was put in place to help the working public save for retirement. Well guess what? The government is in charge and has not kept it up with the times. That's not all, the government manages it, so you can be sure it will continue to falter! The provinces are worried and want to upgrade it because guess who has to supplement the retired person who can't afford to live on the pittance supplied by the Canada Pension Plan? Do you really want another deduction or tax by the provincial government to mismanage another government pension plan?
Ok public, here's a thought. Stop buying and start saving! This seems to be a society of, I Want It Now, rather than, I will get it when I can afford it. Priorities seem to be all skewed towards spend today and worry about the bills tomorrow. Well wake up, because tomorrow is here. The economy will be bad for another 5 to 7 years and you can't afford to go on this way.
I've come from a generation that had a little more discipline -I like to think. We relied on what wages we worked for to survive on and not credit and dipping into our retirement savings. I know it's tough to hold fast but once you get used to it, it works. Save for your own retirement and don't think the government will take care of you. That's a mistake you will regret.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
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