Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Bitter or Better

Their are many trials and tribulations throughout life and people can handle them in different ways. Some get consumed by them and let them dwell within their spirit. Some ignore them and sweep them under the carpet, only to have them emerge later on. Then some use them as a tool, a challenge, a lesson in life, and come out of them brighter, wiser, and stronger. Again, it's your choice! Adversity can reap reward. My wife and I have gone through many challenges through our marriage. We consider them pretty small compared to some, but I think we treat them this way. Yes, they may look big at the time, but with communication, understanding, and trust, they get placed where they should be and we move on. They are never forgotten because we use them as a pillar in our growth together. Sounds good eh! Believe me it's not that easy some times, but with practice you get to understand how to handle it in your own positive way. Positive being the key word here!!
I maen I'm really...
Just Saying

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