Thursday, 3 January 2013


Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state holds total authority over society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever necessary. Well, welcome to Ontario and Canada. There are two ways of controlling society- one is by limiting education and the other is by keeping society concentrating on one provided focus. Canadians are lucky with the education part so the various governments, from provincial to federal, have given us debt to keep us under their thumb. The government, and I don't only mean the party in power, are backing the controls being implemented on contracts that were bargained for in good faith over many years of give and take. I am giving you fair warning that this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is too complex to get into in a blog, but watch out for more signs. One of the first signs I saw was the pension claw back clause that taxed pension earnings at a higher rate once you reached a certain dollar amount. The latest barrage of misdirection is the government enforcement of the teachers contract, all in the name of saving money. Don't be fooled, this is another maneuver to Totalitarianism. This will spread into the private sector directly or indirectly. Think about it. Do you think the private sector is going to give you a 5% increase in wages if the public sector has been controlled to 0%? I don't think so.
Through the years the middle class has been controlled by the upper class in many areas. It has only been through unions and organizations fighting for us that we made gains on the upper class. Yes, we could have the same toys, drive the same cars, live in the big houses, have a summer cottage, and be a member of the same county club. Well, we can't have that. So our silver spooned government, with the backing of their rich sponsors, have devised a way to control society. Debt load!!! Encourage and keep the middle class in debt and eventually they gain back control of our place in society. Keep us working hard and skimming by and paying taxes and all is well with our pompous, arrogant upper class. If you haven't heard the latest, the federal government is forgiving many businesses of having to pay back taxes. I think we would be put in jail.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying 

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