Sunday, 3 February 2013

How Great Thou Art

Kathleen Wynne has just been elected as the new Liberal Leader and our MPP Jim Wilson comes out with a statement that tries to slight her from the onset. "I am willing to give her a chance to be premier, provided she immediately comes forward with a plan to turn the province around." Wow! Jim. You and your party would be able to turn things around right away, despite the world economy and other governments having trouble staying afloat. It's incredible how great people are when they don't make any decisions. I, as well as you out there, have seen governments come and go with the decisions they make. Some are good, but many bad. The opposition parties are always quick to criticize and say their plan is better. Then, at some point, they get in power and the excuses roll out, blame shifting, sidestepping-the political shuffle. I've got an idea, let's wait until someone makes a decision or mistake before you attack. If you attack, come up with a better idea or position. There are better people than you out there, Jim, so why not keep it positive and help a minority party make better decisions with a joint effort. Not a crucifixion. Quit trying to look great and help this province grow and prosper.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying

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