Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Pen Me In

The Germans have just created a high tech pen that vibrates when you make a mistake. I guess that teachers are becoming obsolete. Some schools have taken out cursive writing as part of the curriculum, so I guess the pen can take over. Why learn anything? Just let technology do it all for us. Learning and understanding in school, is a part of training the mind for later on in life. It formulates structure, problem solving, ingenuity. We have to train the brain and work it all the time or it will wither away. It is like a muscle, work it, and it will stay healthy and strong. If we continue to get technology to take over these tasks, we will have a bunch of zombies for a population. I am a terrible speller, thank you spell check, but I still practice to get better. As a matter of fact, this blog has helped not only in spelling, but sentence structure. If I had a vibrating pen that did corrections for me, I would have scratches all across my page. Try and keep it simple. Don't look for the easy way out. Use technology as a tool to add to your life, not take it over.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying

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