I wonder if people really listen? How many newspaper articles, TV announcements and radio warnings does it take to stop people from leaving children and pets in cars during this heat???? I heard another this morning, a 9 month old baby left in a car while dumb ass gets something from Home Depot. Luckily, the child is OK, but is dad? I have taken some time off from my blog but the world pesters me with material to rant about. This one is close to my heart. I am an emergency worker and when responding to these calls my heart skips a beat. We can only hope to get there in time. Come on people, wake up!!! If you leave the new plastic currency in your car in this heat it shrivels up. What do you think is happening to your child or pet????
I mean I'm really....
Just Saying
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
What Does Charity Mean To You?
Well, I had to break out of my busy life to give you this one! They came out with the top charity givers in North America. My wife listened intently to the list, voicing her pleasure knowing that these large organizations are giving back. I burst the bubble by asking her what she thought a charitable organization was and asked if she knew that political parties are considered charitable organizations. These large organizations want continued favors with the powers that be to continue making huge profits. The leader on the charity list was Wells Fargo. OK, a financial institution, with the second being Walmart. When it got to the third, forth, fifth etc. I got hot under the collar. They are all oil companies! I wonder what percentage of their donations go to political parties? With the injustice in fuel prices, I'm guessing close to 100%. I'm sorry to through a curve in the feel good moment of the day, but I always look to the bottom of the box. Make sure you do too.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Things Happen
I have seen and heard media coverage about the Carnival cruise ship and how people dealt with the situation. Some good stories and some bad. What I had a hard time with was the attitudes of some passengers after the ordeal. I know Americans are quite used to suing everyone, but let's cut some slack. I haven't heard and don't think there was any negligence on the part of the owners, so why sue? It was something that happened, and this time they want to compensate the passengers reasonably. Full reimbursement, a free trip and $500. I thought this was quite generous based on what happened in the past. We are all accountable for our actions, but one would hope that people would have a realization that accidents happen and if no malice or negligence was involved, that an understanding would be part of the thought process. I have been through a few horror stories without any compensation, so I hope that people accept the accident and compensation and move on.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Friday, 15 February 2013
Saint Valentine
I was listening to a radio station yesterday and could not believe my ears. The DJ was complaining about how religion is brought into Valentine's Day. "Why does religion always enter into the picture?""Why can't it stay out of these days?" Yes, why don't we keep it about the chocolate and flowers, and while were at it, let's forget about the birth of Christ and stay with Santa Claus, and also the death of Christ, and make it just about the Easter bunny. I tell you with people like this DJ around, the rest of us look sooooo good.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 14 February 2013
St. Valentine's Day
I am a practicing Roman Catholic, but have tried to keep the religious element out of my blog. If you have followed it, you can see that this is hard to do. I don't push my denomination, nor my beliefs, but let my personality and demeanor shine His word through. I thought on this day I would bring forth a quote from a very old book. Those of you that have read it, will know where it is from. This day reflects the importance of one item in which everything else will follow. How successful are you at love? Take the test.
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
Happy St.Valentine's Day
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
Happy St.Valentine's Day
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Self Inflicted Stress
The Toronto Board of Education is concerned over a questionnaire given to elementary and high school students. 50% of the students are worried about the future, family and school. They are strongly considering mental health intervention. What!! Another box to put people in. Listen, I don't know about you, but when I was a child, I had concerns about everything. The Cold War, world starvation, the ozone layer, cancer, and the list goes on. I managed to survive as I'm sure you did. I didn't need to be counseled by a mental health professional and labelled as this or that. Talk about a bubble wrap society. We are not only trying to stop any trauma to our bodies, but now our minds. We are humans, and most of the time we learn by going through the experience and developing strategies and actions that can deal with the situation better next time. If we don't allow these experiences to happen early in life when they are small, then how can we may make a life altering, good decision in the future? Let kids be kids. Guide them and explain consequences of their actions. Give a positive spin on their worries. Keep things as positive around the home as possible. Don't run to the doctor each time you have a hang nail or worry. You should know as parents or friends when to be concerned. Don't worry about being worried.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Brazen Brazeau
Well, well! Another political folly. It's so easy to stay with a political blog agenda. You just keep on getting material handed to you. Senator Patrick Brazeau is my latest focus. This 'farce' got his position when he was 35 years old. Barely out of diapers, he's to instill mature decisions in the senate? He is aboriginal (Algonquin)- things getting clearer for you as to why he got the position? He has no special skills in any educational field. It seems he has been positioned there because of who he represents. He has tried many maneuvers thus far, from collecting two salaries, one from the senate and the other from being chief, to using another individual's address on the reserve to get income tax exemption. He is absent 25% of the time from the senates 75 sittings a year. He collects about $130,000 a year, plus a top-up for special positions. He can stay until he is 75 years old.
I am not a fan of the senate, and believe it is a huge waste of money. This just continues to prove my opinion. The senate has not vetoed any piece of legislation from the House of Commons since 1939. The special committees it formulates are very poorly attended and never taken seriously. They are mostly used for fact finding and advisory, the old smoke and mirrors in justifying their jobs. An example of this is Brazeau's attendance with an aboriginal committee that he attended only 35% of the time. Let me see, 105 senators at an average wage of $130,000+, that's close to 14 million dollars. That could be a start of the savings at the upper level. What do you think?
I mean Im really...
Just Saying
I am not a fan of the senate, and believe it is a huge waste of money. This just continues to prove my opinion. The senate has not vetoed any piece of legislation from the House of Commons since 1939. The special committees it formulates are very poorly attended and never taken seriously. They are mostly used for fact finding and advisory, the old smoke and mirrors in justifying their jobs. An example of this is Brazeau's attendance with an aboriginal committee that he attended only 35% of the time. Let me see, 105 senators at an average wage of $130,000+, that's close to 14 million dollars. That could be a start of the savings at the upper level. What do you think?
I mean Im really...
Just Saying
Monday, 11 February 2013
Living Expenses
Is it just me, or are things getting more and more expensive? I am one of those people that keeps a close eye on the small indicators in life. Small changes usually lead to big ones. Every company has an excuse as to why they raised prices. Let's look at the travel industry. In particular trips to Mexico and the Caribbean. My wife and I usually take one or two trips a year down to those regions. Over the last two years I have noticed a substantial increase in the price tag. The industry is pricing itself out of reach for families in this bad economy. They just cannot afford this extravagance any more. It's funny to me that as the economy worsens, the price of everything goes up. I had the pleasure of taking economics in university and have never quite understood why this continually happens. I think the companies that should not be in business anyway, are driven out and only the strong survive. It's just too bad that it takes its toll on the average family out there. Well, hunker down and put your nose to the grindstone. Save what you can, and we all will get through this tough time.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Friday, 8 February 2013
True Love
When someone says they married their true love, I hope they have been married for quite a while. I think true love is a verb and not a noun. It is realized only after you have gone through many trials and tribulations in life. If you make it through intact, then you can say you married your true love. Think about how many unsuccessful marriages their are with just the friends, relatives and work acquaintances you have around you. When they got married, I'll bet they thought that it was their true love (noun), only to be divorced or separated a short time later. Not a true love in my book. I think I have the right to say I married my true love. I have been married 28 years, we have gone through some very rough times, and I still can't think of being without her. I think about her all the time and can't wait to be home, when away. I could say a lot more but will leave it for this caption.
Happy up and coming Valentine's Day.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying

Happy up and coming Valentine's Day.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Pen Me In
The Germans have just created a high tech pen that vibrates when you make a mistake. I guess that teachers are becoming obsolete. Some schools have taken out cursive writing as part of the curriculum, so I guess the pen can take over. Why learn anything? Just let technology do it all for us. Learning and understanding in school, is a part of training the mind for later on in life. It formulates structure, problem solving, ingenuity. We have to train the brain and work it all the time or it will wither away. It is like a muscle, work it, and it will stay healthy and strong. If we continue to get technology to take over these tasks, we will have a bunch of zombies for a population. I am a terrible speller, thank you spell check, but I still practice to get better. As a matter of fact, this blog has helped not only in spelling, but sentence structure. If I had a vibrating pen that did corrections for me, I would have scratches all across my page. Try and keep it simple. Don't look for the easy way out. Use technology as a tool to add to your life, not take it over.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Sunday, 3 February 2013
How Great Thou Art
Kathleen Wynne has just been elected as the new Liberal Leader and our MPP Jim Wilson comes out with a statement that tries to slight her from the onset. "I am willing to give her a chance to be premier, provided she immediately comes forward with a plan to turn the province around." Wow! Jim. You and your party would be able to turn things around right away, despite the world economy and other governments having trouble staying afloat. It's incredible how great people are when they don't make any decisions. I, as well as you out there, have seen governments come and go with the decisions they make. Some are good, but many bad. The opposition parties are always quick to criticize and say their plan is better. Then, at some point, they get in power and the excuses roll out, blame shifting, sidestepping-the political shuffle. I've got an idea, let's wait until someone makes a decision or mistake before you attack. If you attack, come up with a better idea or position. There are better people than you out there, Jim, so why not keep it positive and help a minority party make better decisions with a joint effort. Not a crucifixion. Quit trying to look great and help this province grow and prosper.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Kudos To Mayor Mike MacEachern
The big city can learn a thing or two from small town New Tecumseth. This municipality is growing and realizes that essential services need to be increased and has adjusted the tax rate to cover the costs. The township and it's Mayor should make a copy of the reasons for their tax increase plan and send it to Toronto. They are keeping money for 6 full time firefighters in the 2013 budget to cover fire protection during the day when volunteers are working. What a concept, population increases and the need for essential services increases. Wow! A Mayor of a small municipality with a responsibility to the electorate in mind. More people, more services needed. Pretty basic, don't you think? Lesson to learn Toronto. A country boy teaching a city boy how it's done. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is cutting essential services as the population continues to explode. This is a road to disaster and someone will die because of it. With an increase in population comes more crime, more people sick, and more fires.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Friday, 1 February 2013
Best Buy - Worst Employer
How would you like to go to work in the morning only to find the doors locked, and a notice on the door that states the store is closed down? Here you are working for a living, not one of these squawkers who complain that you owe me, and sit on the couch. Now you don't have work to pay the bills. It will be hard for these workers to rebound and find other work, and I pray they do. I don't like businesses that treat their loyal workers in this manner. They are heartless, ruthless, and care very little for anyone but themselves. I will not buy at this store or on their on-line site. I will find what I need elsewhere and give my business to employers who show a little more dedication to the employee. I know how business works and understand the bottom line. I have seen more reputable organizations close down locations before, but with warning and a chance for the worker to relocate or look for other work before their last paycheck. I don't know how long this 'DEPRESSION' is going to last, and no one does. All I can say is, keep your purchases lean, buy only what you need, and keep a stiff upper lip. I think we have a long way to go!!
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 31 January 2013
One Tax Rate
I have always been a big proponent of a one tax rate system. It would mean that everyone above a certain income, would pay a flat tax. Loop holes and complex tax calculation systems would be eliminated. It would also mean that the average tax rate would drop. The wealthy and businesses would pay their share, without all the tax advantages they now use. It would also eliminate a large portion of the 27,000 tax Canada workers that spend their time figuring out the taxes you send in. That is a big savings. The money you spend getting your taxes done would also be saved. The fairness in the tax system would also be improved.
If you look at who pays most of the taxes in Canada, you would see that the middle income earner does. They are the majority and can only take advantage of limited tax relief areas. How many middle income earners do you know who max our their RRSP contributions? Just look at which part of society is in the most debt. The middle income earner is in trouble and need help. Decreasing the tax rate and making it more fair would help in this trying time. We have a long way to go before we see improvement, so lets start with taxes.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
If you look at who pays most of the taxes in Canada, you would see that the middle income earner does. They are the majority and can only take advantage of limited tax relief areas. How many middle income earners do you know who max our their RRSP contributions? Just look at which part of society is in the most debt. The middle income earner is in trouble and need help. Decreasing the tax rate and making it more fair would help in this trying time. We have a long way to go before we see improvement, so lets start with taxes.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Black Is Back
Why do we keep entertaining this pompous, arrogant, irritating man? Conrad Black will be hosting a TV interview show called The Zoomer. Moses Znaimer, a bit of an odd man himself, has put this together. Conrad is a jailbird who steals from the poor and gives to himself. He slighted Canada, yet still wants to live and work here. I would think twice about who you watch and support. I want to support people that love Canada and want to be Canadian. Yes, he may have a lot to say, and you can be sure it will be from a rich man's perspective. I like real Canadians, ones that have lived a real life fighting to get ahead. I want that perspective on life. Not, how many million's of dollars does it take to make me happy?
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Monday, 28 January 2013
House Tax Rate
The city of Toronto still baffles me. The colourful, mayor Ford is trying to cut services to keep taxes low for the residents of the city. Very commendable, but these services are important for a world class city. I live in the country and my tax bill for the municipality is the same as Toronto this year, in the past it was higher. I get very little, in the way of services as compared to Toronto. In the country, we only have the essential services. No street lights, limited police service, no recreation facilities, limited ambulance service, volunteer fire service, and the list goes on. Yet, I pay the same housing taxes as Toronto. The mayor should look outside the city and realize that his tax rate calculator is very low and should reflect the services you get. Costs go up for these things.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Nickel and Dime
Governments continue to make the same mistakes each year. When you have a deficit, they think you should attack the fixed costs at the top of the pyramid. How has this been going for you? I look worldwide and see very little improvement when you take this old philosophy. Public sector costs are pretty fixed and unless you want to decrease services and affect detrimental services, you have to come up with another plan. Think about your own household. You have rent, or mortgage, car payments, food, insurance, gas and clothing. There are probably others depending on the family, but you can see where I'm going. These are costs which don't change from year to year. It is the same for cities and provinces - where you conserve is the smaller nickel and dimes. Eliminate the gravy, the icing, this will get you to where you want in the long run. Think of it as bringing a lunch to work, rather than buying a $5 to $10 meal. Eliminate the Tim Horton's and bring your own coffee. Have a drink at home rather than the bar. Make supper rather than going out for your meal 3 to 4 times a week. You will be amazed at how much you will save each year. It is the same for any city and province. Get rid of the fluff and leave our services alone. Nickel and dime your costs down and watch the deficit diminish drastically. I am a business major and have reduced my expenses this way all my life. It works!!! End of story.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Friday, 25 January 2013
TTC - Tiny Tot Charges
Another brain storm by the Toronto Transit Commission. The TTC is looking into limiting, and maybe charging for strollers on their transit lines. "They take up too much room", they say. Now that's how you encourage people to take the transit and leave the car at home. Again another blow for intelligence. Next they will talk about how wheelchairs should be charged extra. Then, heavy-set people paying for two, because they take up extra room. Have these decision makers ever existed in real life?
Let's think about when the majority of people with strollers, travel. If you're in a stroller, you are probably pre-school age. I would think that the chores done with these children are done during the slower times for travel on the TTC. So what are you doing? I don't know just which small interest group they are listening too, or if they came up with this themselves. What happened to tolerance and understanding? Obviously this is the 'all about me' thought process.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Let's think about when the majority of people with strollers, travel. If you're in a stroller, you are probably pre-school age. I would think that the chores done with these children are done during the slower times for travel on the TTC. So what are you doing? I don't know just which small interest group they are listening too, or if they came up with this themselves. What happened to tolerance and understanding? Obviously this is the 'all about me' thought process.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Bill 115
I know I am spending a bit of time on this topic, but I am sure it will affect many areas of the working public, and in turn you!! It is hard enough to find the right person to vote for in each election, and when you have a Premier that strips people of their rights, I get concerned. Dolton McGuinty, I mean Dalton, turns around and repeals the Bill but, does not reverse the contractual effect on the recipients. Now how can I put this in other terms? I will take away the right for you to work for two years, then reverse it, but you still can't work for two years. I will take away your right of free speech for two years, then reverse it, but you still can't voice yourself for two years. You think this is scary? Take a look at Tim Hudak's platform. I think we just may have another communist leader here. I have never seen such a control freak platform in my life. This guy would scare Hitler!! I think in the next election we should really take a good look at the big picture. Vote wisely, and not for a traditional party. It better be the best person for the job, because it will affect everyone. The public sector workers fought for fair contracts which helped directly with the private sector. Remember what goes around, comes around!!
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Bitter or Better
Their are many trials and tribulations throughout life and people can handle them in different ways. Some get consumed by them and let them dwell within their spirit. Some ignore them and sweep them under the carpet, only to have them emerge later on. Then some use them as a tool, a challenge, a lesson in life, and come out of them brighter, wiser, and stronger. Again, it's your choice! Adversity can reap reward. My wife and I have gone through many challenges through our marriage. We consider them pretty small compared to some, but I think we treat them this way. Yes, they may look big at the time, but with communication, understanding, and trust, they get placed where they should be and we move on. They are never forgotten because we use them as a pillar in our growth together. Sounds good eh! Believe me it's not that easy some times, but with practice you get to understand how to handle it in your own positive way. Positive being the key word here!!
I maen I'm really...
Just Saying
I maen I'm really...
Just Saying
Monday, 21 January 2013
Age Is A Number
As I get older, I start seeing changes in friends, family, and associates. Many people start sliding into the frump zone. By frump zone, I mean people start regulating how they should be acting, how they should dress, how they should think, the list goes on, based on their age. I have never been one to try and act any particular age, just the age I feel on the day. I have friends that were totally different people 15 years ago. They were dynamic thinkers, dressed more up to date, took off on a whim, and it was hard to tell their age. Now they are letting society norms, frump them into stagnation. They wear frumpy conservative clothes, they stay at home more, they think conservatively. I mean it's fine to be this way, but I think they have been forced there. Why should you limit your expression based on age? I know our bodies tell us to slow down a bit, but don't let society do it. My wife and I have a friend who is in her late 80's. She is a going concern and you would never guess her age. Yes, she has limitations some days, but then the next day comes, and off she goes. Can you imagine zip-lining down south in your 80's? I hope you can, because that is what I'm striving for. I think people who live life as to how they feel, rather than age, will be the ones full of joy and happiness. Don't let the frump zone get you. Go out and get that funky dress or suit. Get outside and enjoy what is available to you. Think wild thoughts and follow through with some of them.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Diversity Hiring- Phooey!
Toronto is back into the diversity kick. I don't think they have learned a thing over the years. OK, let's put it on the table and in a different context. You need some renovations done in your home. You put out some inquiries and 5 contractors come to your home. All the contractors are of a different nationality. All come back with about the same quote, but one in particular comes with reference letters, pictures, and a resume of qualifications in the renovation area. Who are you going to get to do your renovation?
Now let's put this in the area of hiring for the City of Toronto or any city or town. Why not hire the best and most qualified person for the job? Diversity should be out the window. That is partially why we have inefficient and unproductive problems in the public sector. We want to do what looks good in the eyes of someone!! I don't know who this someone is, but you can be sure that they are hiring the best person for the job when it comes to a renovation being done in their home. Just watch the show Holmes on Homes and you see where I'm going. Green, pink, grey, white, black, out the window I say!!
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Now let's put this in the area of hiring for the City of Toronto or any city or town. Why not hire the best and most qualified person for the job? Diversity should be out the window. That is partially why we have inefficient and unproductive problems in the public sector. We want to do what looks good in the eyes of someone!! I don't know who this someone is, but you can be sure that they are hiring the best person for the job when it comes to a renovation being done in their home. Just watch the show Holmes on Homes and you see where I'm going. Green, pink, grey, white, black, out the window I say!!
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Pub Crawl
In Ireland the population sits at around 6 million people and the number of pubs sits at around 8,500. Do a little math and we have one pub for every 700 people. Now let's say half of those are under age, so we have one pub for every 350 people. I am part Irish and I know the culture and social gathering spot is your local pub. They are supported by the neighborhood and have a great ambiance. I have a hard time imagining that many drinking spots in the metro Toronto area. We are having so many problems with drinking and driving. I think neighborhood pubs might help out with the problem. With hard times and stress galore, people will resort to temporary fixes; one of them being drinking. I don't condemm it nor do I condone over drinking. I do understand it. I love a social drink or a nice bottle of wine at home. I try not to over indulge and don't drink and drive. Maybe a neighborhood pub would be a nice addition to any city/town's neighborhood landscape. Please don't drink and drive.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
NRA- National Retard Association
(Urban Dictionary) Retard- A person with a mental deficiency. An offensive term used to refer to someone acting in an irritating or generally stupid way. The National Rifle Association -NRA has come out with a phone app that allows you to unlock weapons to shoot up whatever and is suitable for ages 4 and up. Can you believe this? Just when you think they would lie low and under the radar because of the Connecticut disaster. The NRA feels that they must push to keep America armed. Armed from what? What are they afraid of? Mexico and Canada have constantly complained about the slack rules for owning a weapon in the States. These weapons make their way across the borders and reap havoc in our countries. The NRA was formed in the 1870's and may have had a purpose back then. This is not the wild west any more. We would like to think we have become more civilized since then. I know that it is not their fault directly, but why resist rules that would make it harder to own a gun? I mean we regulate who drives a car and who is allowed to drink legally. Why not put harsher rules in for owning weapons?
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Meet In The Middle
Again the government hits the middle class. They now want people making a certain amount in pension, to contribute money for home care in their time of need. Let's put together a few facts here. The middle class pay the most taxes per $1000. The middle class pay the most, per capita, into unemployment insurance and, per capita, use it the least. The middle class pay the most into health care as a percentage of income. So now that we do all that, the government continues to sink the middle class in retirement. No wonder you see 60+ year old's working at McDonald's or Tim Horton's. They have to to survive this government pillaging. I tell you, the middle class will only take so much. They have the controlling numbers in any election and if the right person steps up, the silver spoons will be defeated in any municipality. Watch out!!!
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Monday, 14 January 2013
There are thousands of 911 calls made accidentally and maliciously each year. It will be hard to stop the kids from making prank calls but adults making stupid calls? The latest was a adult calling from Barrie to ask when the power in the south end was going to come back on. I guess this is another Billy Bob story. He thought it was a perfectly legitimate call to make to 911.
A lot of the accidental calls are from cell phones being put in a pocket. They say it is from the speed dial function. OK, I may be a little sarcastic at times, but putting 911 on speed dial!! I mean, do you think you will forget the number or something? Duh, what do I press on speed dial to get 911?
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
A lot of the accidental calls are from cell phones being put in a pocket. They say it is from the speed dial function. OK, I may be a little sarcastic at times, but putting 911 on speed dial!! I mean, do you think you will forget the number or something? Duh, what do I press on speed dial to get 911?
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Table Etiquette
Just when you thought you had grown up and didn't have your mother telling you to get your elbows off the table! Now they have come out with a $99 fork that tells you to stop eating so much. Yes, it is a calorie counting fork that tallies up how much you are eating and tells you when to stop. Just what I need, a nagging fork. I thought if you just put less on your plate, that would translate to less in your body. What do I know? Next they will have a singing tooth brush so you brush more. Oh, they have that already!! I guess I like it a little more simple. Talk about boring.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Saturday, 12 January 2013
On Thin Ice
Every year you have the same 'rednecks' getting caught on thin ice. How many different information mediums does it take to get these people off? From police broadcasts to news media throughout the ice fishing season, the constant stipulation that the ice is not suitable to go out and fish, falls on deaf ears. Than Billy Bob gets it in his head, "that doesn't mean me". Out he goes with friends with his car or snowmobile to his favorite spot and plunk, they're in the frigid water only to be saved, if lucky, by those rescue personnel putting their own lives on the line to save 'Dumb and Dumber'. It always reminds me of the first line of many jokes. How many ... and in this case, how many ice fishermen does it take to ignore that the ice is too thin? Apparently, many of them. I remember being in the States many years ago around the March time period. Many people asked me if I lived in VR land, the TV station in Barrie at that time. The news had traveled to many places in the States about a large group of ice fishermen being caught on an ice flow and having to be rescued by helicopter. How embarrassing! I am sure it will happen this year as well. I hope they are given a bill for the trouble and danger they put other people in.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 10 January 2013
One Ringy Dingy
You can see people reacting to their cell phone when it rings or vibrates, without even thinking. This reaction has extended into stores and businesses. Here I am, standing in front of the cashier at a clothing store ready to buy. The phone rings and the salesperson answers it on the first ring. I wait for about 2 minutes and then, when she hangs up, I ask her, "who is the sure sale here?" Is it the person on the phone or the one standing in front of her. I was tempted to walk away without buying anything to prove my point, but I think she got it. She apologized, but this was not the first time I have seen this. People feel compelled to answer the phone before anything else. Even drivers on the road and you can tell what is going on because of the erratic driving or brake lights going on for no reason. It has been a compulsion and most people don't even realize it. I gave up my cell phone years ago. I know they have their place, but put it away occasionally. You will see just how much you are missing without the interruption of a ringy- dingy.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Kick Him, He's Still Down
I feel bad for Lance Armstrong. It brings back memories of Ben Johnson. When the media want you, they will get you. Don't get me wrong, Lance is his own worst enemy. He's a chirp-er and a very arrogant 'fella'. I guess you get that way when society holds you at a level far greater than you can handle. Lance has been stripped of almost all he has achieved over his incredible career. He, as well as Ben, will be remembered in my mind as two of the greatest ever. I have competed at high levels in sports most of my adult life. If you think you can get to this level without help, you should visit Fantasy Island. I believe in an even playing field and some years it is out of balance. The best chemist wins when it comes to competing at this level. The machines they use to determine illegal substances are not intelligent. The machine has to be told what to look for, so if the drug has not been identified before, it can't look for it. Stay one step ahead of the machine and your chemist and athlete has the advantage. Lance had no choice but to use drugs. To be at that level and stay there, you have to. I don't know how long this crucifixion will last, but you have to feel bad. The guy has been bled out pretty good. I don't think that the machines will be able to keep up with new performance enhancing drugs, but they are getting better. Will we stop their use? No, so don't be too judgmental. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Smart Appliances
I don't think the techno craze will ever stop, but how far do we go? The latest is smart washers, dryers, and fridges. They will be out this year, apparently. The washers and dryers text to let you know that the cycle is finished. I have been managing just by listening for the buzzer. They also let you know when the cheapest time period is for hydro. I thought looking at the time did that. I am not sure what other features they'll have, but I am sure it will be another thing that will break down. I try and buy items that don't have too many gadgets and it seems they do last a bit longer. I think if you get what you need and not what looks good at the time, you will stay away from problems in the future. It's back to the KISS principle.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Too Funny
I just heard on the radio a person talking about ski-dooing. The enthusiast was saying how he was getting back to nature, out on the trails, in the fresh air. Really! Back to nature, fresh air!! How much noise do you have to make to scare away nature? The last time I was in the bush, a twig snapping sent the deer on the run. Fresh air, sitting behind another combustion engine!! Another brilliant statement made by this person was how much of a workout it was shifting your weight side by side. Wow! I guess it's more of a workout than shifting your weight side by side on the couch. I tell you, it must be so deafening to hear the silence of nature on an outing, or to actually have to put one foot in front of the other to progress your body down a trail in the woods. Can you imagine not having some form of electronic device or mechanical engine to help you down nature's trail?
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Friday, 4 January 2013
You Owe Me!
Over the years I have continually heard about the injustices the First Nations have received from Canada. When are we going to stop paying for what happened over 150 years ago? Drop it and stop using it as a crutch. People like to use things from the past to limit their own progression in life. Stop thinking that Canada owes you something. Go out and get it yourself. How can you have self worth and strive for a better life if money is thrown at you to do nothing? It has not worked in the past and it's still a very prominent problem. I have seen first hand how the money and accommodations that are openly given to the First Nations is abused and defrauded. I am not limiting this to this section of society. It goes out to everyone. If you are surviving on what you think someone owes you, you are a sinking ship. Move on and grab your future by the tail. Don't limit your own expectations by the colour of your skin, what social class you came from, what nationality you are. These are limitations you place on yourself. No one owes you anything, you owe yourself to be a contributor to society, not a life sucker. I remember a wise statement made years ago. Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. I don't think sitting back on the couch collecting money unearned, or what you think is owed to you, is what this statement had in mind.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state holds total authority over society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever necessary. Well, welcome to Ontario and Canada. There are two ways of controlling society- one is by limiting education and the other is by keeping society concentrating on one provided focus. Canadians are lucky with the education part so the various governments, from provincial to federal, have given us debt to keep us under their thumb. The government, and I don't only mean the party in power, are backing the controls being implemented on contracts that were bargained for in good faith over many years of give and take. I am giving you fair warning that this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is too complex to get into in a blog, but watch out for more signs. One of the first signs I saw was the pension claw back clause that taxed pension earnings at a higher rate once you reached a certain dollar amount. The latest barrage of misdirection is the government enforcement of the teachers contract, all in the name of saving money. Don't be fooled, this is another maneuver to Totalitarianism. This will spread into the private sector directly or indirectly. Think about it. Do you think the private sector is going to give you a 5% increase in wages if the public sector has been controlled to 0%? I don't think so.
Through the years the middle class has been controlled by the upper class in many areas. It has only been through unions and organizations fighting for us that we made gains on the upper class. Yes, we could have the same toys, drive the same cars, live in the big houses, have a summer cottage, and be a member of the same county club. Well, we can't have that. So our silver spooned government, with the backing of their rich sponsors, have devised a way to control society. Debt load!!! Encourage and keep the middle class in debt and eventually they gain back control of our place in society. Keep us working hard and skimming by and paying taxes and all is well with our pompous, arrogant upper class. If you haven't heard the latest, the federal government is forgiving many businesses of having to pay back taxes. I think we would be put in jail.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Through the years the middle class has been controlled by the upper class in many areas. It has only been through unions and organizations fighting for us that we made gains on the upper class. Yes, we could have the same toys, drive the same cars, live in the big houses, have a summer cottage, and be a member of the same county club. Well, we can't have that. So our silver spooned government, with the backing of their rich sponsors, have devised a way to control society. Debt load!!! Encourage and keep the middle class in debt and eventually they gain back control of our place in society. Keep us working hard and skimming by and paying taxes and all is well with our pompous, arrogant upper class. If you haven't heard the latest, the federal government is forgiving many businesses of having to pay back taxes. I think we would be put in jail.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Button Pressing
During the holiday season I'll bet you contacted a lot of family and friends to wish them the best for the new year. Any regrets? It seems that certain people, and it's usually the ones close to you, that like to push that button in you that sends you into a tail spin. What is it with people? Why does this person have such control over your mood and aggression? I don't have the answer, but I do know that they are usually not very happy. Why else would they attack an area that gets a negative response? I think this is why I only contact or communicate with people that are positive and happy. They always make you smile and laugh and you want to talk to them again. If you can find friends like this, keep them. If you have family members like this, you are very lucky. I happen to be lucky. The phrase you can choose your friends but not your family is quite true. I didn't get to choose my family, but for the most part they are positive, encouraging, and try to limit the button pressing. I wish I could say the same for my wife's. We both try to live life fully and offer limited advice, and only when asked. We stay simple and grounded and try to listen rather than over-talk. Why would you want your buttons pressed? Treat other people the way you want to be treated and they may just want to talk to you more and be your friend or close family member.
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
I mean I'm really...
Just Saying
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